digital pensions Dashboard

Lurse delivers pension data

On 18 December 2020, the German government approved legislation (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Transparenz in der Alterssicherung) which includes the introduction of a Digital Pensions Dashboard (Digitale Rentenübersicht) that will provide individuals with an overview of their state, company and private pension entitlements. Through an online portal, German citizens will be able to access information on their pension entitlements digitally. With its P·LIVE platform, Lurse makes it possible to enter pension data into the Digital Pensions Dashboard of the ZfDR (Zentralstelle für die Digitale Rentenübersicht) without much effort.

Which Institutions are obliged to supply data?

Life Insurers, Pension Funds and Pensionskassen, among other Pensions Institutions, are obligated to deliver pensions data to the ZfDR from the end of 2023. Other pension arrangements can participate on a voluntary basis.

What data is delivered to the ZfDR?

The task of the ZfDR is to consolidate the pension statements for all individual users’ different pension entitlements in a single location. The records will include the type of plan, the amount of the accrued benefits as well as the potential pension benefits. General information will also be provided on tax and social security implications of the plan types and on possible disability benefits (although not the amounts).

How is the Data Collection organized?

The ZfDR and the Pension Institutions identify users by their tax ID. This must be recorded in advance in the customer records of the pension institutions. Once a user has authenticated himself with his tax ID at the ZfDR, the latter queries the pension fund data from the pension funds and the DRV Bund. It then compiles this data in an overview and forwards it to the user.

Lurse is your data supplier for the Digital Pension Dashboard

The connection to the ZfDR and the data delivery means a challenge for all Pension Institutions and Life Insurers. Eligibility data must be merged on a database and must be available for digital dispatch at any time. Pension Institutions can entrust an intermediary with this task. With the digital administration platform P·LIVE, Lurse is the ideal data supplier for the Digital Pension Dashboard.

Via a digital interface, Lurse easily delivers all requested pension data to ZfDR. The database systems of the Pension Institutions do not have to be adapted in any way for this. An intelligent validation system prepares the data at Lurse in a bite-sized form for forwarding. In addition, P·LIVE detects data redundancies and inconsistencies and eliminates them. So there is no additional implementation effort.

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